Symbols of the Big Bang travel to Mizel Center for
Arts and Culture, Denver, Colorado, and to The Temple Judea Museum, Elkins
Park, Pennsylvania.
Russian bureaucracy remove K&M’s stained glass symbol from
the Moscow version of Berlin-Moscow, Moscow-Berlin 1950-2000. “For
me, Symbols of the Big Bang is the beginning of Nostalgic Nonconformist
Art. It is a renaissance of our early works, such as Paradise/Pantheon, which was studied for its visual synthesis of different spiritual concepts
and different religions, created under the condition of the Totalitarian
Atheistic state. Unfortunately, this quest stalled. It’s not too
late, however, to turn again in this previous direction and pursue it.
I can’t help but imagine how nonconformist painting could have flourished
had it not been for the negative influence of the market, the same force
that stopped the development of the counter-culture of the sixties in
the West.
“I also believe that Moses Iconoclasm is the earliest form of Universal Ecumenism:
that different tribes worship different images reflects a kind of spiritual
tribal heraldry—and the destruction of the Golden Calf united the
tribes of Israel. Now, my naïve dream was to unite mandalas and heraldry
in a visual symbol of peaceful co-existence for different spiritual concepts.
I understand that art and science can become a foundation for united religions”—from
remarks by Vitaly Komar, public lecture/slide performance, The Temple
Judea Museum, January 25, 2024.