
Nostalgic Socialist Realism series.

Robert Hughes writes about Nostalgic Socialist Realism in “Through the Ironic Curtain,” Time, 120 (October 25, 1982).

Jamey Gambrell writes “Komar & Melamid - From Behind: The Ironical Curtain,” Art Forum 20 (April 1982, pp 58-63)

In 1982, K&M are the first Russian artists to receive a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Komar and Melamid participate in the show, Illegal America, at Franklin Furnace and Exit Art, curated by Jeanette Ingberman and Papo Colo (New York, 1982); they are also included in Beast: Animal Imagery in Recent Painting, at P.S. 1, curated by Richard Flood (New York, Oct. 17-Dec. 12, 1982).

Nostalgic Socialist Realism series painting: I Saw Stalin Once When I Was a Child is acquired by Museum of Modern Art, New York; and Blindman's Buff is acquired by Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.